How Do RFID Keyfobs Work?
A RFID keyfob or ‘fob’ is the term used to refer to a small hardware device that is programmed to give access to a variety of physical objects, such as a car or building. Fobs provide the same function of traditional metal keys, as well as add a level of convenience and security for the user that the traditional key cannot. RFID Technology RFID Keyfobs work through the use of Radio Frequency IDentification, or RFID for short. RFID is an ‘intelligent’ barcode system that uses electromagnetic fields for identifying and tracking data on ‘tags’, which contain stored information. The information is passed using radio waves, hence the name Radio Frequency IDentification. An RFID device serves the same purpose as a barcode on a product, or the magnetic strip on the back of a credit card, as it provides a unique identity to the object in question. RFID technology also employs the use of a ‘reader’ to gain the information from the tag – similar to a barcode scanner or credi...